Response: New Survey Shows Humor as Common Denominator for Facebook Use

A couple weeks ago, Aaron Smith wrote an article revealing six new facts about Facebook use that were found through a new Pew Research Center study. Among these findings is a breakdown of the major reasons people use Facebook, separated by gender.


I’m not too concerned with the gender separation here. The most important part is that more than 35% of Facebook users log on to see funny or entertaining content. I have previously talked about how people only want to share things that will shed positive light on their own personal brand. This is a direct response of that fact. Because we want our Facebook profiles to have quality content on them, we know that by logging in to Facebook, we’ll find the best of what our friends find as well.

Another important statistic that arose is that 44% of users like their friends’ content daily, while only 10% create content daily. Why is this significant? We log on to consume much more than to produce. Our Facebook activity is highly dependant on the content created or shared by our friends. We are more than four times more likely to engage in our friends’ content than create our own. Tying back into the previous statistic, we’re signing in because we know our friends post things, and more than a third of us do it because we hope they post something funny.

It’s not always easy for someone who is not too savvy with the internet to find the content that interests them. Facebook has allowed us to let that content come to us. Whether you want funny cat videos or serious articles, logging in to Facebook and browsing the feed can bring us what we want.

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